Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Show Team Raffle Winners!

We had our first annual show team BBQ and pool party this Saturday. The weather was terrific and it was fun to celebrate Heather's birthday as a team! Thanks to everyone who came out.

We also drew the names for the Show Team Raffle with the team members presents. Congrats to the winners!

1st Place: J. Pelltier, (ticket #132)
2nd Place: Peter Byrne, (ticket #339)
3rd Place: Yvonne Karas, (ticket#417)
4th Place: Victor Hyslop, (ticket #248)
5th Place: Ashok Vadekar, (ticket#443)
6th Place: John Iddiols, (ticket#473)

We have minutes from the meeting for anyone who was unable to attend. They will be sent out to all team members via email blast.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Raynham Gear

We need to get in orders for team apparel ASAP.  There is a new page above with details on all the items available.  Please send in your orders by Thursday morning.

Thanks for your cooperation!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Entry Forms - HELP!

So if you are struggling to compete those complicated entry forms, I've created a guide to help you under the new page at the top "Show Guide".

I will also be adding a chart with the Raynham horses' details shortly.


Friday, April 15, 2011

Meeting Tomorrow!

Just a reminder that our Annual Show Team Clinic is tomorrow afternoon at 3:30pm!  A few parents have mentioned that they will be staying for the duration of the meeting.  If it works for everyone, we could begin our fundraising discussion and filling out entry forms while the show riders are rotating through the clinic stations.

We will supply the main portions of dinner but if anyone wants to bring a side or a dessert, that would be greatly appreciated!

Dress warm, it's supposed to be chilly tomorrow.  Can't wait to see you all then!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

What's New!

Sorry for the lack of updates lately, spring is a busy time here at the farm!  Lindsay, Caryn, Alex and their hard-working horses are on their way home later today and will be back sometime in the evening on Monday.  Here is a video of Lindsay and Reba at Poplar Place!

The weather has turned a corner and many of the lessons have been running outside the past week.  If you haven't had the chance to ride outside yet, let's keep our fingers crossed that the lovely weather holds out!


- All the forms on the website were down from sometime after March 23rd until this Friday when I found out about the error.  If you submitted a lesson registration, camp registration or show entry form during this time, please re-submit.  I apologize for any inconvenience.

- The Show Team Clinic and meeting booked for next Saturday, April 16th will run as planned.  This meeting is mandatory as you will receive your show schedule, entry forms and we will discuss fundraising.   The clinic portion will run from 3:30 - 5:00pm and the meeting & BBQ will run from 5:00 - 6:30pm.  Can't wait to see you all there!

- Our Spring Schooling Show will be Saturday, April 30th!   We are hoping to run outdoors and will be having our annual easter egg hunt!  The funds from this schooling show will be going towards purchasing a dressage ring arena (see below).  We will also be running our 2nd Annual Tack Swap meet!

- The Tack Swap Meet that was originally planned to run at the same time as the meeting has been rescheduled for April 30th on the same day as our schooling show!  We're hoping this date will provide warmed weather and more people to shop!  Details to be posted shortly.

-  We will be announcing the date for our 5th Annual Spring Volunteer Day.  We've had a tremendous amount of support in the past and we'd like to again extend our thanks to everyone who has participated.   Projects for this year include installing the drainage culverts for the stadium ring, fencing (it never ends!), building stalls in the drive shed, installing ease-troughs, planting flowers, painting, staining and general tidying. Whew, we definitely need your help! The sign-up sheet will be posted in the tack-up area shortly, we hope to see you all there.

See you in the barns!


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Clinic Times!

Boot-Camp Clinic Times

*NOTE!  Lesson times below are for the start of the lesson, please be mounted 5 minutes early.


9:30am – 11:30am:  Lunge Lesson w/ Video Analysis over lunch

1:00pm – 4:00pm: Dressage Lessons (in Tues-Thurs groups & order)

Tuesday – Thursday

AM Dressage Groups

9:00am – Bianca & Amy
9:30am – Samantha & Cleo
10:00am – Ellie & Laura
10:30am – Sarah & Katrina
11:00am – Jaime & Rachel
11:30am – Heather

PM Stadium Groups
* Thursday we will start stadium 1 hr. early for field trip

1:30pm – Bianca, Amy, Samantha & Cleo
2:15pm – Ellie, Laura & Heather
3:00pm – Sarah, Katrina, Jaime & Rachel


9:30am-12:00pm:  Stadium Groups, run through of dressage and course for mini-show

2:00pm – 4:00pm:  Mini-Show

Monday, March 7, 2011

Recommended Read

Instead of an article, I thought I post a video of some inspirational riding this Monday.  This is Bruce Davidson Sr. who looked no the worse for the wear after his visit to the hospital after a fall off a young horse a few weeks ago.  Bruce was the highest placed rider in the World FEI rankings in 1993 and 1995, and he was named the USEA leading rider every year from 1980 to 1995.  This is one of North America's eventing greats and always a pleasure to watch!

This video is from the Derby Cross in Wellington, Florida this past weekend.  It is run in a similar format to Indoor Eventing at the Royal Winter Fair except it is a team event, with each team consisting of three event riders, one jumper rider and one polo player!  More details are available on the Derby Cross website.


Monday Notes

  • There is ONE SPOT left in the Spring-Boot Camp next week.  Let me know ASAP if you want in!  Clinic groups and times will be posted shortly.
  •  Please submit show board contracts, post-dated cheques and show selection forms.  They absolutly must be in by March 11th, before March Break.
  • Lindsay finish 9th with Frank this weekend at Sporting Days H.T. in Aiken.  He had a solid dressage, one rail stadium and clear cross country with only a handful of time faults.  More details and photos to come!
  • We are going to be ordering Team Coolers/Sheet and Team Jackets in the next couple of weeks, check the tack-room for order forms.  Details will also be posted here!
  • Just a reminder, we are CLOSED Sunday, March 13th - Friday, March 18th.  There will be no lessons this week.  Show boarders are welcome to come up and do one free-ride during the week, anytime Sunday or after 4:00pm Monday-Friday.

Monday, February 28, 2011


Have you...

- Picked up your show board package from the riding school tack room?

- Submitted your Show Selection Form (Due March 5th)?

- Scheduled lessons and practice rides if your show board started this week?  

See you in the barn! 

Recommended Read

Here are a few more great reads!

Ever wonder why sitting the trot seems impossible? An excellent article on how to improve your sitting trot - "You Can Master the Sitting Trot - Really!" by Sandy Howard

An older article but very appropriate - "Get Ready to Event" by Jimmy Wofford

VIDEO:  Safely Wrap Your Horse’s Legs with Max Corcoran.  This video clearly explains how to properly apply stable wraps, a skill all show level riders should possess.  

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Attention Team!

If you have not sent in your lesson availability for March/April please do so ASAP!  Your lessons WILL be changing this session as Lindsay is in South Carolina for all of March.

If you have not yet handed in your Show Selection Form, please remember to check ALL shows you are available for.  I need as many options as possible to make the trailering schedule work.

* EDIT! The May Will O Wind has been changed to a Cross Country Derby instead.  It is a combination of stadium and XC fences set at the appropriate height as per EC levels.  Scores are table 'A', based on time. The rider closest to the optimum time (over or under) gets the most points for the round.  Only the scorer knows the optimum time (calculated as per EC rules). Any refusals or rails will be penalized by adding time to your round. The points for each round are added together to determine your score and the placing. Assistance on course from your coach or others is allowed and encouraged! 

Entry Fee: $85 OEF membership is mandatory.  

Casual attire, but riders must have a Cross-country vest, helmet and boots as per EC rules. Helmets must be worn at all times while mounted.

More information on the fun day and entry instructions will follow shortly.

If you are show boarding, there is an envelope for you to pick up in the Riding School Tackroom with your boarders agreement, please fill out and return ASAP!


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Spring Boot-Camp!

* Edit - This is a one week clinic, not camp and is appropriate for show level riders.  March Break Camp is also available.  

Monday - Friday, March 14th - 19th 

Winter is almost over so it’s time to kick it into high gear for spring! This program will be hugely beneficial for those competing this season or in the future but would also be appropriate for anyone who is very committed to their riding.  The dressage lessons will be ½ hour semi-private lessons to maximize individual focus (+ 15 min. warm-up & cool down after).  Jumping lessons will be group classes and will be 1hr.   Mental training sessions will be after lunch daily, 1 hr in length.  We’ll head out on a field trip to Richvale on Thursday for their Annual Big Bag Sale.  The camp will conclude with a mini-competition on Friday at 2:00pm, parents are welcome to come watch and cheer!

·             Hours: 9:00am – 4:00pm (Thursday - 5:00pm, Field Trip)
·             Age: 10+
·             Rider Level: Minimum requirement is able to ride an Entry level dressage test and canter a 2’4” course.  If you are unsure if you meet the requirement, please ask your instructor.
·             Max. Participants: 12 – We can only accommodate 12 riders for this program so spaces are LIMITED.  Register now!
·             Cost: $331.86 + HST = $375.00 (Lunch available for $25/week incl. HST)

Mental Training
Lunge Lesson w/ Video Analysis of Position
Dressage Lesson – Focus on Basics
Goal Setting: immediate, short & long term goals
Dressage Lesson – Work on Test Movements
Jumping Lesson – Grid work w/ Video Analysis
Create training plan for next 6 months
Dressage Lesson – Dressage test run-through (written comments)
Jumping Lesson – Connecting Fences
How to optimize your dressage score
Dressage Lesson – Individualized focus on points that need improvement
Jumping Lesson – Riding a Course
How to analyze and walk a show jumping course
Dressage & Jumping: Run-through for mini-show – focus on how to warm-up effectively
- Mini-competition with combined dressage & stadium course
Focus on show prep including braiding, grooming and tack-cleaning.

­At the end of the session, riders will receive a written analysis and take-home training plan.

Winter Training Program

We are going to be running a dressage training session this Friday night, 5:30pm - 7:00pm.  Please learn the 1 test at the appropriate level.  Tests can be found on the Equine Canada website.   

Monday, February 14, 2011

Recommended Read

Hello All!  I know Mondays are the worst, so make the time until you get back to the barn go by quicker by reading some of these great articles by Jane Savoie.  I found these articles after I reading and thoroughly enjoying one of her books.  "It's Not Just About the Ribbons" It's About Enriching Riding (and Life) with a Winning Attitude discusses using mental strategies to become a better rider including overcoming fear, tension, frustration and even improving your position.  It was fun to read, not like a textbook, and had many great tips on how to improve your riding outside of the saddle.  It's great for those that can't get more than 2 or 3 hours a week in the saddle but also for those that are serious about taking their riding to the next level.

So even if you can't run out and buy a book today, enjoy reading the articles! There are some great videos too.  See you in the barn!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Location for Show Team Meet & Greet!

With the large size of our show team this year, we have decided to rent a room at the Nobleton Community Hall so that we can all be together (rather than spread people out between the camp trailer and house!).  The Community Hall is located at Hwy 27 & King Rd behind the CIBC bank and is only 10 minutes away from the barn.  We will be in one of the activity rooms upstairs and we'll post a sign on the door to direct people to the correct place. Here are directions to the hall:

View Larger Map

The meeting will be from 6:00pm - 8:30pm and parents are welcome to stay for the duration.  For any parents that would like to drop-off and return for the paperwork portion of the meeting, please return at 7:30pm (we had originally said 7pm).

We look forward to seeing you all then!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Recommended Read

Hello All!   Every Monday I will post a link to an interesting article to do with riding, training, horsemanship, grooming, etc.  If you come across something you think we should share, send me an email.

"Where to Look Before Jumping"By Jim Wofford with Elizabeth Iliff

Also, always recommended is Eventing Nation.  It's a great site to keep up to date with everything to do with eventing in North America with tons of great articles, interviews, videos and more!

Show Team Questionnaires Please!

If you have not submitted your Show Team Questionnaire yet, please get it in ASAP!  We would like to finalize horse assignments this week and require everyone's details to do so.

Just a reminder that our FIRST 2011 Team Meeting will be Friday, February 18th at 6:00pm!  This meeting is mandatory for all team members and we ask that parents of our junior members arrive at 7:00pm for the boring, paperwork part of the meeting. We are going to supply pizza and drinks for all.  If anyone wants to bring some munchies or dessert, that would be great!

I would love to post photos/videos of our team's lessons.  If anyone has a parent/friend who is willing to risk frostbitten fingers, please send in your photos or videos!

We will also be adding team bios and a Sponsors page to our blog this week.  It would be fabulous if all team members could submit a photo and a brief bio by Friday at noon.  I thought a terrific way to get these in on time is I will reveal your horse assignment for this season when we post the bio's on Friday afternoon.  You won't find out your horse until I get your bio!

Bio Format
Horse: Will be added in for those show boarding :)
Previous Experience:  i.e. Showed Entry in 2010, riding for 4 years, etc
Goals for the Season:

Thanks everyone! See you in the barn.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Show Team Meet & Greet

We will have a team Meet & Greet on Friday, February 18th @ 6:00pm. This will be a terrific opportunity to introduce everyone, do some team building, hand out boring paper work but mostly have some fun! This meeting is mandatory for all riders and if you are under 18, we ask that your parents arrive at 7:00pm for the "paperwork" part of the meeting. We'll provide pizza and drinks, feel free to bring other munchies or dessert! Please comment below with what you're bringing so we don't have too many duplicates.

We look forward to seeing you all together!


Hello everyone! Welcome to our new Raynham Eventing blog where we'll keep you up to date with all of the 2011 Show Team events, results, photos, videos, fun links and more!

If you have any fabulous photos from previous seasons, please send them. It will help us get through the winter.

We'll try to post an update at least once a week so keep checking back!